Hourly $2.50 / hour
Needs 1 outbounder
Open since: Dec 06, 2013
Agents From: Any Country

We are hiring IMMEDIATELY for 5-10 outbound callers who have the following: *SPEAKS FLUENT ENGLISH(SPANISH A PLUS) *CAN MAKE UNLIMITED CALLS TO THE UNITED STATES(FRESNO, CALIFORNIA) *PLEASING PERSONALITY *WORKS WELL ALONE *QUIET WORK AREA *HAS SALES EXPERIENCE *PUNCTUAL *DEPENDABLE If you are interested in the position please contact me immediately to discuss this position. For faster consideration please SKYPE... more

Project type: Sales

Calling into: B 2 B

Schedule: 9am - 5pm (America/Los_Angeles, GMT -8 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/4 applicants

Name atmmarketinggroup (0)

Hired: 0

Workload: Full Time - 30+ hrs/week

Length of project: More than 6 months

Your time:  

Performance $10% / sale
Needs 50+ outbounder
Open since: Dec 06, 2013
Agents From: Any Country

The agent will be paid for selling memberships and getting other associates to sign up to become an associate they will be paid an extra $5 per person.

Project type: Sales

Calling into: B 2 B

Schedule: 9am - 11pm (America/Adak, GMT -10 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/3 applicants

Name ashley OSBORNE (0)


Hired: 0

Workload: Full Time - 30+ hrs/week

Length of project: More than 6 months

Your time:  

Hourly $7 / hour
Needs 4 outbounder
Open since: Dec 06, 2013
Agents From: Any Country

You will be contacting small business owners (M-F, between 10:00am -5:00pm ET) and explaining them a new loyalty program. You will have to sell them on the program and convince them that the program is valuable. You will be asking these business to sign up for the program. You may have... more

Project type: Sales

Calling into: B 2 B

Schedule: 10am - 5pm (America/Toronto, GMT -5 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/26 applicants

Name josh (0)

Hired: 0

Workload: Part Time - 10-30 hrs/week

Length of project: 1 to 3 months

Your time:  

Performance $45 / sale
Needs 1 outbounder
Open since: Dec 06, 2013
Agents From: Any Country

Agent will be compensated for closing each sale of a directory listing.

Project type: Sales

Calling into: B 2 B

Schedule: 8am - 5pm (America/New_York, GMT -5 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/6 applicants

Name Ginette Thibault (0)

GiGi Ventures LLC

Hired: 0

Workload: Full Time - 30+ hrs/week

Length of project: More than 6 months

Your time:  

Hourly $15 / hour
Needs 5 outbounder
Open since: Dec 06, 2013
Agents From: Any Country

We provide the script, the OB Dialer, complete call list (Over 110k names currently), and appointment scheduling software. We need multiple agents working up to 26 hours per week. The only part of this position that requires selling is just selling YOURSELF!

Project type: Appointment Setting

Calling into: B 2 C

Schedule: 4pm - 8pm (America/Detroit, GMT -5 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/56 applicants

Name christopheroneil (0)

Hired: 0

Workload: Part Time - 10-30 hrs/week

Length of project: More than 6 months

Your time:  

Hourly $2.00 / hour
Needs 1 outbounder
Open since: Dec 06, 2013
Agents From: Any Country

**Must Speak Fluent US English** Job Duties: *Heavy outbound calling providing our service to prospective clients. *Minimum data entry of client information to update the record. *Responding to emails from clients and associates. Job Requirements: *Must be able to work 5 hours a day Monday-Friday (No Weekends) *Must be able to work somewhere between the hours of... more

Project type: Sales

Calling into: B 2 B

Schedule: 8am - 1pm (America/Los_Angeles, GMT -8 )

Project History: Established

Status: 0 hired/9 applicants

Name Ryan Lane (3)


Hired: 4


Workload: Part Time - 10-30 hrs/week

Length of project: More than 6 months

Your time:  

Performance $540+ / sale
Needs 4 outbounder
Open since: Dec 05, 2013
Agents From: Any Country

Agent is paid 30% commission for advertising sales. There is about $20,000 USD per month worth of advertising to sell for one show on an internet radio station. You have about 8 minutes per day of internet radio advertising inventory at a set rate in 30 second increments. Pay is... more

Project type: Sales

Calling into: B 2 B

Schedule: 10am - 3pm (America/Swift_Current, GMT -6 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/4 applicants

Name Ethan Erkiletian (0)

E2 Broadcasters

Hired: 0

Workload: Part Time - 10-30 hrs/week

Length of project: More than 6 months

Your time:  

Hourly $15 / hour
Needs 10 outbounder
Open since: Dec 04, 2013
Agents From: Any Country

HI, We are the company dealing in web solutions and we are looking for some confident and skilled freelancers from USA ONLY who can work for our company and help us to expend our business. We need some freelancers who can work on Part Time or Full Time Basis and... more

Project type: Sales

Calling into: B 2 B

Schedule: 9am - 8pm (America/New_York, GMT -5 )

Project History: Established

Status: 0 hired/10 applicants

Name Alan Jacobson (0)

Web Expert

Hired: 0

Workload: Part Time - 10-30 hrs/week

Length of project: 3 to 6 months

Your time:  

Hourly $5 / hour
Needs 3 outbounder
Open since: Dec 04, 2013
Agents From: Any Country

Cold calling homes attempting to schedule meetings at their homes with one of our reps.

Project type: Appointment Setting

Calling into: B 2 C

Schedule: 6pm - 9pm (Europe/London, GMT +0 )

Project History: Established

Status: 1 hired/29 applicants

Name Ben Artzi (0)

euro-cut-edge Ltd.

Hired: 5

Workload: Part Time - 10-30 hrs/week

Length of project: More than 6 months

Your time:  

Hourly $3 / hour
Needs 2 outbounder
Open since: Dec 04, 2013
Agents From: Any Country

I need applicants that have an experience on telemarketer. You will have to search buyers for my E-Books. You will encourage them to buy my E-Books. You must have sold at least 3 E-Books for 7 hours and aside from giving you an hourly rate I will also give you... more

Project type: Sales

Calling into: B 2 C

Schedule: 10am - 5pm (Asia/Manila, GMT +8 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/6 applicants

Name Andy Cano (0)

Online BPO Services

Hired: 0

Workload: Full Time - 30+ hrs/week

Length of project: 3 to 6 months

Your time:  



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