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Joined 6 years ago


Thank you, Julian, for the great opportunity! I wish you all the best and every success with your project.

Joannah Haydee
6 years ago

I decided not to work for Mr. Julian Smart, because after testing the phone dialer he told me to download, he was not aware that all phones needed to first be tested, and it bothered him’ because of the fact that $10.00 miserable dollars were used to test the phone, and he told me in a bad way’ that why did I used the phone that he told me to download, and that it was costing him money. I explain to him, that all phones need to be tested’ and configured. I decided to discontinue with the job, because I felt that I was going to have serious problems with him’ in the near future, because he does not know that in order to grow in a business’ you need to invest time and money.

6 years ago