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Task Highlights
-Qualify Leads
-Extensive Follow Up
-Live Transfers
- Slack update from Acquisitions
1) Go through “Untouched Leads” for the day. Qualify each leads. If prospect is ready to sell within the next 30 days or less and is qualified live transfer to > ACQ Manager. If Lead is a long term/short term follow up add as a follow up. Update all necessary fields in Podio (CRM) before closing out lead.
2) Go through “Task app”. Qualify each follow up lead. If follow up lead is ready to sell now live transfer to > ACQ Manager. If follow up lead is not yet ready to move forward set next follow up set date. (RINSE & REPEAT). Goal is to go through all follow ups daily to find the sellers that are ready to move forward and ready for ACQ Manager to close. Update all necessary fields in Podio (CRM).
3) Update all necessary tags/fields in Podio. Go through all the “Dead Leads” each week. Qualify each “Dead Lead” if they need to be follow up with add to “Follow up Task”, if they ready to sell NOW live transfer to > ACQ Manager. Insure each lead is tagged “Cold” “Warm” or “Hot” to insure all leads are organized and not lost in the pipeline.
4) Be in consistent contact with acquisition Manager via slack chat/call. Make at least 130+ Calls per day.
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