Alton L
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Call list of 500 - 1000 and set appointments for qualifier. We are calling owners to find out if they would like to sell a vacant or distressed property from a computer list. Some numbers will be bad numbers and a skip trace will be run on those. Skip trace skills will be helpful. IMAO, I believe that you should work the list of numbers and note the 'BAD' numbers (with contact information) to run a skip trace at a later point in time...but that's just IMAO. The point is to be as efficient as possible. Statistically, there should be a 1 - 2% contract rate for the 'team'. We will track success rates in 'Sheets'. We will provide numbers to call on a spreadsheet available via Open office, or Google Sheets. We also need to keep track of times a number is called, and keep a database of unfruitful addresses and coinciding numbers so we don't waste time in the future trying to get 'contracts' from areas we have worked before. Team will receive bonuses at close of escrow.
Call times are 9 AM to 6 PM PDST (California, USA) and appointment times are 9 AM - 11:15 AM, 1:30 PM - 7 PM M - F and 9 AM - 7 PM Saturdays.
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