
Need Phone Reps to Offer a Free No Obligation Credit Card Statement Review – Earn $45.00 - $90.00 Each – NO SELLING REQUIRED

NO SALES REQUIRED - Earn $50 to $100 per verified statement obtained most experienced phone person can easily obtain between 3-10 statements per day. Visit the web site this job is where you call on businesses to help them save money.

National and Texas Business Development Centers are merchant advocates who helps business owners with free services that can lower their current costs at their business and save money. We are looking to hire several phone representatives who would be making outbound phone calls or by meeting the USA business owner face to face on a daily basis and helping them with the cost they pay to accept credit and debit cards now. Credit Card Processing is one of a business’s biggest expense in running the business and over 80% are being overcharged now, so almost every business of any size can use this free service.

The TBDC works with major processing companies that can lower their cost and provide a free no obligation statement review to help business owners, even if they do not change companies YOU ARE STILL PAID, all we need is a recent copy of their credit card processing statement and they acknowledge they are expecting a Free No Obligation Statement Review when we can back, and you get paid $50 - $100 per statement!

This is Very Easy to do, all you will call business owners in the USA that have a business and accept credit and debit cards at their business. You simply show them if they are being overcharged under the New Federal Guidelines with a fast calculation. If they are paying too much and they agree to a free statement review to see just where they are being overcharged then you simply have them take a picture of it and either email, fax or text a copy of a recent credit card processing statement (Square and Paypal OK too) statement and when they are called back you receive $50-$100 (depending on the monthly volume of that statement) per verified statement.

You can do this work over the phone or work face to face to obtain the statements we provide proven scripts that work, leads and tools needed to get started fast. Once we receive it one of the Visa and MasterCard Experts call them back and provide a side by side comparison showing them exactly where they can save money. You are paid when they are contacted no matter if they decide to change processors or not!

You must be US based. We are not looking to hire overseas virtual assistants.

This could be a great fit for anybody who wants to work a few hours a day but work hard and smart during those few hours or someone that has done B2B sales

We will give you all the tools that they need to be successful. We thank all candidates for their interest.

Call Type

B 2 B (Biz to Biz)

Skills Required

Attention to Detail



Part Time - 10-30 hrs/week

Jan 03,2019


Expect at Least 2 Statements per day



9am to 6pm
Calling Time

[-06:00] America/Chicago

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