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I need an expert/Bulldog Cold Caller.
I have 2 main project's that I need your help with.
The first needs to be completed before we can move onto the second.
1) Divorce Lawyers within my Local area. (18 sites)
2) TopFiveRated across Canada. (1 site)
The first project requires 90 Divorce Lawyers to be Populated onto their respected sites.
The second project targets the 110 main Canadian Cities.
With just 1 vertical/niche targeting the 110 cities with 5 Listings, would be 550 required.
With 20 verticals would be 11,000 Listings.
I'd like to have you manage the Team of required Callers to populate the 2 project when at that time.
But, first, the 90 Divorce Lawyers need to be completed. The profits from this would/will fund the growth of the TopFive site.
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