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I am seeking a virtual assistant to handle verifying and collecting contact information from my database of real estate offices. Our list contains 8-10 fields with 1-4 items missing. We need help filling in the missing pieces of information as well as verifying the information we have.
This will begin as a temporary project and may move into a more permanent position as you prove your competence.
You will be expected to complete your tasks Monday thru Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3 p.m. Eastern Standard US Time.
The pay will be $6.00 per hour with bonuses at specified milestones.
*You must have excellent speaking and written English skills.
*You must consistently have an excellent internet connection.
*You must be able to video Skype
*You must work during my work hours.
*You must be comfortable with data entry and be willing to learn how to use tools like Microsoft Excel, RingCentral, Google Search, Outlook E-mail. If you do not feel confident about learning new things, please do not apply to this job.
The expectation is to complete 100 calls/day.
Thank you and good luck,
I am looking forward to a successful working relationship with you.
Les Jenkins
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