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Looking for a freelance writer for a web development, web design, business. The blog contains articles on a wide range of web dev topics - examples of websites content i like-http://www.cutcodedown.com/
smashingmag.com, designdepot.com, blog.codinghorror.com
triats of quality writers-
hate keyword stuffed articles?
* love adding your own personal touch with images and gifs to keep readers entertained?
* want to make money while contributing to a site that shares your vision?
* have an encyclopedic knowledge of something our readers love. Do you love animals, food, DIY projects and parenting topics? We want you!
* love writing funny and informative articles.
* adore buzz articles. You know how to construct a great article with punchy topics.
Possible topics-
- css3
- JS
- Php
- WordPress
Looking for interesting/helpful articles that the readers will get some benefit from.
Articles should be between 700 - 1000 words and include any relevant images, screenshots
Do you think you'd be a great fit for our team? Do you have the skills to become a dedicated, valuable member of my team. Let me know the time it takes to write a 700 word article, then i will let you know, if you are great fit...jeff
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