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We will provide a spreadsheet of business located in the state of Florida, USA. Each record will have a phone number.
You will call each business and ask for the email address of the Chief Engineer. If they do not have a Chief Engineer, ask if there is an Engineering/Mechanical/Maintenance department and get the email address of the contact for it. If there is no such department, ask for the email of the General Manager.
To check the work, we will call random entries from the list and verify that the email address entered is correct.
==This initial job will be for 10 hours. After that we will determine if we want to continue giving you more hours and lists. This could become a long-term job for the right person.===
Here are the full job instructions:
1) Contact the resort/hotel at the number provided in the spreadsheet. Do not ask for the owner, simply ask for the name and contact information of whoever is responsible for maintenance and engineering, and record that information in the appropriate columns of the spreadsheet.
If there is no such department, get the name and email address of the general manager.
If no one will provide this information, make a note of the employee's name and call back the next day at a different time, attempting to speak to a different employee.
2) If the person offers to connect you to the engineering/maintenance department or the general manager, decline and state that you would like to send them an email, your call is not urgent. If the person insists on knowing why you are calling, tell them that you represent a local service company who would like to email them about your services.
Do not discuss your reason for calling further.
3) If there is a wrong number or the business is closed, make a note but do not delete the row from the spreadsheet.
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