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Earn from 5% to 20% commission on travel tours sold to travel agencies worldwide.
We want to provide unique types of spiritual travel tours in high range price because what we have to offer is very unique and we can charge a high price.
You therefore make a good profit and earn commission with high percentage. See attached PDF for more details.
Qualities needed:
1. Experience and expertise in telesales
a. Using phone, Skype, emails and screen sharing demonstration on the web with programs like
2. Excellent communications using all digital facilities
a. Like Skype, emails, phone…
b. And very importantly to share information in the various projects we will do together and to keep track of duties and various things to do and rectify.
3. Expertise to present result of your sales interactions
a. We want long term interactions with travel agents worldwide. So we want to keep track of the rapport and always want to know where the prospect is situated in the lead funnel.
b. For this you must provide pictures and samples of some of your past work using either Google-drive spreadsheet or CRM like Insightly.
i. Insightly is very useful because it is a free CRM system that has a
very useful Android application as well as website integration. We
can also work with any other comparable system you are used to.
To get the job, you must show me your sales skills by giving to the president your sales speech showing:
a. Your digital skills
b. The web tools you have used
c. Your sales skills and especially how you have mastered English language
We provide:
1. Rich website that is the basis of all information of sales.
2. Various PDF and many PowerPoint presentations that you can share on screen
with the prospect.
3. List of names, emails, and web address for you to reach prospects and lead.
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