

Experienced Telemarketer Required for an Australian based campain. This job will have a hourly rate plus commission based We are located in Sydney. Make ongoing phone calls for the purposes of sales, collect names, email addresses and notes for the aim of creating a list of future customers and inserting that information into a shared online spreadsheet. Phone numbers and script will be supplied. You would also be expected to email and also follow up on farmed prospects. Also use a shared online spreadsheet, and send email via a supplied Gmail email account. Bonuses for successful leads and recurring jobs from those leads. This position would suit a person who can commit to an ongoing campaign. We are targeting particular people for electrical work

The nature of this work requires follow up. Initial calls are usually consecutive calls and follow one after the other whilst follow up calls don't always follow that same pattern and that is what you will experience in this position.

When we arrive and start on a project You are entitled to10% of the nett profit of the job or $150.00 whichever is the lesser.

In the situation that the prospect gives us repeat work the same payment will apply for the next 3 projects that same prospect gives me.

These job payments are paid on the same day as we arrives at the project and start the job. We will be as competitive as possible to win the job in our quotes to the prospect. If requested you may be requested to follow up the prospect to see if we were successful or not in winning a job and when it will be starting.

As part of the job offer there will be a point when you will need to keep up to date with the follow up calls before any new numbers for the purposes of initial calling are given to you.

These calls need to be made between 8.30am and 3.00pm Mon to Fri. For best results don’t have barking dogs or crying babies in the back ground.

Call Type

B 2 B
Appointment Setting
Closing Sales

Skills Required

cold calling experience
generate hot leads from calls
follow up and close
3. Must have a good internet connection (min. of 1 mbps)
must well spoken fluent English



As Needed - < 10 hrs/week

Oct 21,2014




9am to 6pm
Calling Time

[+11:00] Australia/Sydney

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  • No flooding.
  • You are not allowed to discuss other job postings.
  • You are not allowed to promote products and services outside outbounders.
  • Bugs/Glitches are not allowed to discuss, it should be sent via ticket.
  • Pending payments are not allowed to discuss, it should be sent via ticket.
  • No sharing of external links.
  • Do not share your contact details such as skype or email.


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