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I am inviting a number of business owners to a roundtable lunch that is a key business development activity for my group - a business coaching firm.
I will send the invites through Zoho email and set-up a tickler in my Zoho indicating when the followup call is due. Usually 2 days after email.
I need a telephone assistant who can make those follow-up calls and make records in my Zoho.
I usually make 3 attempts per invitation...usually a few days apart.
The goal is to get them to attend the roundtable.
For those who have agreed to attend the roundtable, you would register them through eventbrite.
I would provide background info, script, and access to my Zoho.
I will give you 200 contacts. All of them will be dialed at least once...some twice and a few a third time. Total dials about 450 over 3 weeks.
About a dozen reminder calls will need to be made day before the event.
Calls would need to be made between 8am and 6pm EST.
My business is located in the southeastern US. Your voice will need to have perfect english, be very hospitable (this is the south), and be able to conversationally explain what the roundtable is about and why it could well be "the most important lunch you attend all year".
I think that is it to get started. This job would occur between Oct 21 and Nov 12.
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