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Set business appointments for me from leads you develop

Unlimited Green Fuel, LLC, is currently hiring a professional to set energy-related appointments for one of our directors. Most of these will be set by cold-calling businesses to set face-to-face or over-the phone-appointments for him to enroll them in an electricity rate auction website. He will work directly with you and assist your learning curve. He will also give you the referrals from his appointments to set, which will give you some easy, warm calls.

This website will have suppliers bid on a company's electricity business to give them the absolute lowest rates available - saving them between 3% and 20% on their electricity bills. There is no cost to them and there is no sales pressure. You simply need to get our director in contact with the right person and set a time for him to walk them through the site to see how much they can save. If they show up to the appointment and are the decision maker, you will be paid $10.00 for that appointment. If they enroll in the website during the appointment with them, you will be paid an additional $20. You should easily be able to set 1-2 of these appointments each hour, which means pay of $20-$60 per hour as long as you're picking up the phone and making calls. You will also be responsible for generating the business leads.

Call Type

B 2 B

Skills Required

Good english
strong work ethic



Full Time - 30+ hrs/week

Jul 22,2014

10.00 to 30.00

Hours are flexible, but you will need to call during regular bus


Appointment Setting

9am to 4pm
Calling Time

[-05:00] America/Kentucky/Monticello

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