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You need to find all the companies providing Drupal based development services located in Belgium, Denmark, Finland.
You need to find the next information about such companies:
1. Name of the company
2. URL of the company website/link to the company’s linkedin profile
3. Current CEO (link to the LinkedIn profile)
4. Current CTO (link to the LinkedIn profile)
5. Current Sales (link to the LinkedIn profile)
6. Ex-sales (link to the LinkedIn profile)
7. Other-exs (link to the LinkedIn profile) - You must choose only those ex-employees who is now occupy Director or other leading position or they have their own business (CEOs of their own companies)
8. List the Drupal/opensource/generic/outsourcing services the company specialize in – you need to determine the main specialization of the company: does it provide generic outsourcing or its main specialization is drupal development services (please list these services)
9. List the other technologies the company specialize in
Please put all this information in this table: link
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