$300 / sale
Needs 4 outbounder
Open since: Aug 23, 2014
Agents From: Any Country
I need experienced phone sales rep to call local businesses in Southern California, USA and offer then an irresistible deal on display advertising. Must be comfortable selling high ticket items ($1997.00 and up). We are a local business consultant agency. We help acquire new customers, retain customers and increase the... more
Project type: Sales
Calling into: B 2 B
Schedule: 9am - 6pm (America/Los_Angeles, GMT -8 )
Project History:
0 hired/4 applicants
Stan Patterson
SAP All Star Promotions, LLC
Hired: 1
-Stan is very nice and very professional. I'll look forward...Read more -Genelyn Sejas
-Stan is very nice and very professional. I'll look forward in working with him in the future. =). Less -Genelyn Sejas
-I tried getting hold of you , trying to communicate...Read more -Cheryl Montesclaros
-I tried getting hold of you , trying to communicate with you. Thank you so much for the opportunity Stan and Im sorry that our dreams of partnership have not realized, I sincerely wish the best for you and your business. God bless you!. Less -Cheryl Montesclaros
Workload: Part Time - 10-30 hrs/week
Length of project: More than 6 months
Your time: