Hourly $3 / hour
Needs 3 outbounder
Open since: Oct 05, 2014
Agents From: Any Country

Your job is to is to offer business owners a FREE email trial service to business owners so that my company can help these business owners with their datatbase. You will be responsible for talking to them and have them trust you to do the free service. The only thing I should... more

Project type: Appointment Setting

Calling into: B 2 B

Schedule: 9am - 6pm (America/Atikokan, GMT -5 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/6 applicants

Name Reggy Charles (2)

JC Net Consultants

Hired: 4


Workload: Part Time - 10-30 hrs/week

Length of project: More than 6 months

Your time:  

Hourly $15 / hour
Needs 1 outbounder
Open since: Oct 05, 2014
Agents From: Any Country

I have developed several "pre-made" commercials using whiteboard animation (also known as doodle). I will be running advertising to generate interest in these commercials. Your job will be to follow up with those that have expressed interest in these commercials, as well as handle all of the customer interaction. The... more

Project type: Sales

Calling into: B 2 B

Schedule: 9am - 6pm (America/Adak, GMT -10 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/8 applicants

Name matt (0)

Hired: 0

Workload: As Needed - < 10 hrs/week

Length of project: 1 to 3 months

Your time:  

Hourly $3 / hour
Needs 1 outbounder
Open since: Oct 03, 2014
Agents From: Any Country

The chosen Outbounder will be calling people through the OB Dialer who have opted-in and are need of Credit Repair / Relief. Once the prospect is truly interested in finding out more then the Outbounder will transfer the prospect to a Credit Expert. There will be a $1... more

Project type: Live Transfers

Calling into: B 2 C

Schedule: 1pm - 6pm (America/Los_Angeles, GMT -8 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/5 applicants

Name Dean Newton (3)

Justus Debt

Hired: 14


Workload: Part Time - 10-30 hrs/week

Length of project: More than 6 months

Your time:  

Performance $250 / sale
Needs 1 outbounder
Open since: Oct 03, 2014
Agents From: Any Country

Agent will have access to our leads of new Business and Home Owners in the Chicagoland area and will call and sell our Security System over the phone. We will ensure that the system in setup and installed. The Outbounder will be responsible for creating and modifying their... more

Project type: Sales

Calling into: B 2 B

Schedule: 10am - 6pm (America/Chicago, GMT -6 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/0 applicants

Name robert murphy (0)

srdealer corp

Hired: 0

Workload: Part Time - 10-30 hrs/week

Length of project: Less than 1 month

Your time:  

Hourly $2-7 plus bonus / hour
Needs 1 outbounder
Open since: Oct 03, 2014
Agents From: Any Country

Cold calling New business and Home owners to schedule appointments for Chicago based Security Corporation. We are a small company consisting of 3 sales reps looking to build our business. We desire someone who is seasoned at calling 25-35 calls per hour and scheduling an appointment per hour... more

Project type: Sales

Calling into: B 2 B

Schedule: 9am - 6pm (America/Chicago, GMT -6 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/6 applicants

Name robert murphy (0)

srdealer corp

Hired: 0

Workload: Part Time - 10-30 hrs/week

Length of project: More than 6 months

Your time:  

Hourly $5 / hour
Needs 1 outbounder
Open since: Oct 03, 2014
Agents From: Any Country

We provide training to help people start their own online business and work from home.. Your job will be to contact people who have shown interest in working from home or looking for a business opportunity, direct them to a presentation and follow up with a sales call. We are looking for sales... more

Project type: Appointment Setting

Calling into: Appointment Setting

Schedule: 8am - 9pm (America/Los_Angeles, GMT -8 )

Project History: New

Status: 3 hired/9 applicants

Name osahonsam Urubusi (3)

Allwecanbe LLC

Hired: 3


Workload: Part Time - 10-30 hrs/week

Length of project: 3 to 6 months

Your time:  

Hourly $7 / hour
Needs 1 outbounder
Open since: Oct 03, 2014
Agents From: Any Country

Need someone with a mature, excellent phone manner to speak to owners/managers of dental practices in the UK. I have a full list I can provide. We have come up with three different packages that are all great value, selling our PR service to promote their businesses.

Project type: Sales

Calling into: B 2 B

Schedule: 9am - 5pm (Europe/London, GMT +0 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/18 applicants

Name Scott Birch (1)

Milkshake Media

Hired: 1


Workload: Part Time - 10-30 hrs/week

Length of project: Less than 1 month

Your time:  

Hourly $4 / hour
Needs 2 outbounder
Open since: Oct 02, 2014
Agents From: Any Country

Job Description: Cold calling businesses (hair salons, pet groomers and animal clinics) to offer our mobile sharpening service and reminding existing customers to schedule their next appointment. Compensation: [$4/hr] DURING TRAINING (average: 1 to 2 weeks) [$4/hr + 7% Commissions] AFTER TRAINING (average commissions: $250/month) Requirements: Undetectable Accent (to North Americans) Sharp Mind Clear Voice Minimum 3 Years Experience Reliable... more

Project type: Sales

Calling into: B 2 B

Schedule: 9am - 6pm (America/New_York, GMT -5 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/20 applicants

Name Yusuf Mohammed (0)

Cuts for Cutters

Hired: 0

Workload: Full Time - 30+ hrs/week

Length of project: More than 6 months

Your time:  

Hourly $.01 / hour
Needs 1 outbounder
Open since: Oct 02, 2014
Agents From: US only

Im a SEO specialist in Minneapolis MN USA. I'm targeting local plastic surgeons. I have a website ranked on the first page of google for local plastic surgery terms. My site gets 100-120 unique visitors from people looking for plastic surgery. I want to rent my website to a... more

Project type: Sales

Calling into: Closing Sales

Schedule: 9am - 6pm (Africa/Abidjan, GMT +0 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/0 applicants

Name jesseghostley (0)

Hired: 0

Workload: As Needed - < 10 hrs/week

Length of project: 1 to 3 months

Your time:  

Hourly $6 / hour
Needs 20 outbounder
Open since: Oct 01, 2014
Agents From: Any Country

This not a temporary position. Only applicants looking for permanent work may apply. Position will close when 20 are filled. After viewing an infomercial or visiting the website, customers will call your computer by means of voice over internet with the desire to order products. Using learned product knowledge at times... more

Project type: Sales

Calling into: Closing Sales

Schedule: 9am - 6pm (America/New_York, GMT -5 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/32 applicants

Name lushon Charleston (0)

DreamReach Virtuals

Hired: 0

Workload: Full Time - 30+ hrs/week

Length of project: More than 6 months

Your time:  



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Other (209)
Appointment Setting (1399)

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Performance (616)
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Part Time: 10-30 hrs/week (0)
Full Time: 30+ hrs/week (0)

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