Hourly $10 / hour
Needs 5 outbounder
Open since: Dec 14, 2014
Agents From: Any Country

i need hire agents to calling our potential customers ( i will provide skype that you could free use and our business email ) . agent need send email immediately to follow up after calling, once we got reply email that customer show intested (ask for price, information,etc ) ,... more

Project type: Sales

Calling into: B 2 B

Schedule: 9am - 6pm (America/Adak, GMT -10 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/34 applicants

Name bobdylanexport (0)

Hired: 0

Workload: As Needed - < 10 hrs/week

Length of project: 1 to 3 months

Your time:  

Hourly $3 / hour
Needs 3 outbounder
Open since: Dec 12, 2014
Agents From: PH only

I need a group of people to help us sell our health insurance to US Customers. Since we are still studying this campaign, I will only need 2-3 agents to do this. The product ( will help the client save every time he purchase medicines, got hospitalized or encounter an... more

Project type: Sales

Calling into: B 2 C

Schedule: 9am - 6pm (America/Los_Angeles, GMT -8 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/9 applicants

Name gorgonio magalpoc (0)

Gorgonio's Real Estate

Hired: 0

Workload: Part Time - 10-30 hrs/week

Length of project: 3 to 6 months

Your time:  

Hourly $50 / hour
Needs 1 outbounder
Open since: Dec 12, 2014
Agents From: Any Country

I am looking for quality leads, there is high rewards upon jobs gained, I am offering 5 percent on sales, 5 percent on carpet stretches or repairs, sales you are looking at 5 percent on a whole house is 50 dollars a repair 7.50 these are great commission rates! on... more

Project type: Sales

Calling into: B 2 C

Schedule: 9am - 6pm (America/Belize, GMT -6 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/9 applicants

Name Carpet_guy (0)

Hired: 0

Workload: Part Time - 10-30 hrs/week

Length of project: More than 6 months

Your time:  

Hourly $5 / hour
Needs 3 outbounder
Open since: Dec 11, 2014
Agents From: Any Country

We are looking for callcentre experienced person to generate leads for australia market for Solar industry. Solar industry has grown significantly in Australia this decade behind increased awareness of the risk of dangerous climate change, the reduced cost of systems and a range of government incentives to encourage use of the... more

Project type: Appointment Setting

Calling into: B 2 C

Schedule: 2pm - 7pm (Australia/Adelaide, GMT +10.5 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/23 applicants

Name mike Meh (0)

Ecall Services

Hired: 0

Workload: Part Time - 10-30 hrs/week

Length of project: 3 to 6 months

Your time:  

Hourly $5 / hour
Needs 6 outbounder
Open since: Dec 11, 2014
Agents From: Any Country

I need a caller who is able to call people who live in Winnipe, I would like to pay per lead, flooring is in high demand in Winnipeg, I also sell flooring cheaper than retail, and I am able to install it

Project type: Sales

Calling into: B 2 C

Schedule: 9am - 6pm (America/Regina, GMT -6 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/6 applicants

Name Carpet_guy (0)

Hired: 0

Workload: As Needed - < 10 hrs/week

Length of project: More than 6 months

Your time:  

Hourly $8 / hour
Needs 2 outbounder
Open since: Dec 11, 2014
Agents From: Any Country

We are launching a call campaign shortly and need callers to work during the hours of 10am-12pm AND 2pm-4pm EST (GMT -5). If you have a technology background or are familiar with cloud computing it would be an asset. Our script consists of navigation questions to get to the right person in... more

Project type: Sales

Calling into: B 2 B

Schedule: 10am - 4pm (America/Toronto, GMT -5 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/15 applicants

Name Avi Bitterman (1)


Hired: 2


Workload: Part Time - 10-30 hrs/week

Length of project: 1 to 3 months

Your time:  

Hourly $5.00 / hour
Needs 5 outbounder
Open since: Dec 11, 2014
Agents From: PH only

We are looking for experienced cold caller/telemarketing persons for our project. This is sales, in addition to qualifying and generating leads. We pay hourly, with bonuses to good workers. We hire both short- and long-term freelancers. Please respond including the word zoom in the subject line. Thank you.

Project type: Sales

Calling into: B 2 B

Schedule: 9am - 6pm (America/Los_Angeles, GMT -8 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/16 applicants

Name PA SD (0)


Hired: 0

Workload: Part Time - 10-30 hrs/week

Length of project: More than 6 months

Your time:  

Hourly $2 / hour
Needs 20 outbounder
Open since: Dec 10, 2014
Agents From: Any Country

Need agents to set appointments for prospective customers for solar campaign. Pay is $2 per hour. With each ten appointments for the week agents receive $1 raise in base pay. For example an agent receives 13 appointment for the week. Will receive $3 per hour as base pay. Each 20... more

Project type: Appointment Setting

Calling into: Appointment Setting

Schedule: 9am - 6pm (America/Jamaica, GMT -5 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/5 applicants

Name aviorsolutions.fg (0)

Hired: 0

Workload: Full Time - 30+ hrs/week

Length of project: More than 6 months

Your time:  

Hourly $4.50 / hour
Needs 1 outbounder
Open since: Dec 10, 2014
Agents From: Any Country

Appointment Setter needed for a short term position for 12 hours total. This is so I can test my outbound phone script. Position needed for 4 hours each day for 3 business days calling on local businesses to set appointment with them for me. Depending on the... more

Project type: Appointment Setting

Calling into: Appointment Setting

Schedule: 9am - 1pm (America/Chicago, GMT -6 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/0 applicants

Name Troy St.Pierre (0)

Standard Roof & Construction

Hired: 0

Workload: Part Time - 10-30 hrs/week

Length of project: Less than 1 week

Your time:  

Hourly $2 / hour
Needs 20 outbounder
Open since: Dec 10, 2014
Agents From: Any Country

Need agents to set appointments for prospective customers for solar campaign. Pay is $2 per hour. With each ten appointments for the week agents receive $1 raise in base pay. For example an agent receives 13 appointment for the week. Will receive $3 per hour as base pay. Each... more

Project type: Appointment Setting

Calling into: Appointment Setting

Schedule: 9am - 6pm (Africa/Abidjan, GMT +0 )

Project History: New

Status: 0 hired/3 applicants

Name aviorsolutions.fg (0)

Hired: 0

Workload: Full Time - 30+ hrs/week

Length of project: More than 6 months

Your time:  



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