Angela Theresa V.

Customer Service Representative
Philippines | English
$7.60 / Hour
Hours Worked
Times Hired
The ProCompleted 3840 hours of work
Odialer CertifiedMade 40 hours of calls using Odialer
Client SatisfiedCompleted 960 hours of work to a contract


Because Im a team player, hardworking, self motivated and determined. My past experience have shown me that I enjoy facing and overcoming the challenge of making a sale. Without a doubt, once I have practiced my presentation and prepared myself for objections, I feel very confident approaching people I dont know and convincing them that they need my product.

My name is Angela Theresa R. Velez. Im from Cordova, Cebu, Philippines and have completed my schooling from University of San Carlos. My first call center experience was in Cordia, its an outbound center based in US. I stay there for four years selling or switching land lines. After four years of staying there I decided to resigned and work with Green Wire Outsourcing Solutions and stay there for six months.

Interested to work in

  • Hourly based jobs only.
  • Experience

    7 years on phone experience

    1 years of off-phone experience


  • Surveys
  • B 2 C Calling
  • B 2 B Calling
  • Upselling
  • Closing Sales
  • Managing Teams
  • Feedback

    2 years ago
    Angela is very responsive and always done what was asked of her. I highly recommend her!

    Kyle B.
    Sep. 2021 to Sep. 2021
    3 years ago
    Angela was pleasant to work with. She was always open to feedback and training.
    During this current time she did not meet our requirements for the position hired.

    Jonathan T.
    Dec. 2020 to Apr. 2021
    3 years ago
    Angela requires more training than we can provide. short term project.

    Dan O.
    Oct. 2020 to Nov. 2020
    3 years ago
    Angela is diligent, reliable and willing to learn. We will hire her again. Campaign is revamping, so ending contract till new one is up and running.

    Chad S.
    Sep. 2020 to Oct. 2020
    4 years ago
    No active campaign right now

    Diane J.
    Jul. 2019 to Jul. 2019
    5 years ago
    Hard worker. Recommend for future campaigns

    Clarence M.
    Jul. 2019 to Jul. 2019
    5 years ago
    Amazing telemarketer

    Julian E.
    Apr. 2019 to May. 2019
    5 years ago
    It was a pleasure working with Angela. Unfortunately it did not yeild any prospects so I must end this telemarketing campaign. She took direction well and I would recommend her to anyone in the future.

    Tia G.
    Mar. 2019 to Apr. 2019
    5 years ago
    Angela is hardworking and has a great attitude.

    Paul B.
    Jan. 2019 to Jan. 2019
    5 years ago
    Angela is great! Showed up on time, and worked hard each day. I would recommend her highly!!

    Beau E.
    Oct. 2018 to Oct. 2018
    6 years ago
    Excellent work. Thank you

    J. Braeden P.
    Nov. 2017 to Apr. 2018
    6 years ago
    Great when she worked but there was some timing issues.

    James R.
    Oct. 2017 to Nov. 2017
    6 years ago

    James R.
    Oct. 2017 to Oct. 2017
    7 years ago
    Thanks for your effort!

    Brooke C.
    Jun. 2017 to Jun. 2017
    7 years ago
    Wonderful Agent...

    Diane J.
    Jun. 2017 to Jun. 2017
    7 years ago
    thanks for excellent work.

    john w.
    Nov. 2016 to May. 2017
    7 years ago
    We received 2 excuses in a row for not working. No employer would allow that so we had to let her go. She has talent and we wish her the best but dependability is something she needs to work on so others are not inconvenienced.

    Steve M.
    Feb. 2017 to Mar. 2017
    He's very demanding to the needs of our clients even not interested. his attitude is discouraging. to report an hour before and after work without pay, discussing same topics all over again and again is irritating and can't motivate us to accomplish our job diligently. It isn't surprising why others quit the job because of his persistence..

    Angela Theresa V.
    7 years ago
    Seems like a good caller, but was not able to work off of my google drive file due to some sort of technological issue

    Jon C.
    Oct. 2016 to Nov. 2016
    7 years ago
    Dialer is the issue. Like the agent. She's very good. But the darn dialer is hampering productivity not the fault of angela.

    daniel c.
    Oct. 2016 to Oct. 2016
    7 years ago
    just temporary

    Diane J.
    Sep. 2016 to Sep. 2016
    7 years ago
    Great worker.

    Chad C.
    Mar. 2016 to Jul. 2016
    8 years ago
    Hard worker and dependable.

    John S.
    Jun. 2016 to Jul. 2016
    8 years ago
    Best caller ever!

    J. Braeden P.
    Jun. 2015 to May. 2016
    8 years ago
    Angela is great to work with, and I would highly recommend her. She can do more than just recite a script, she is just the right amount of aggressive to get results. I enjoyed working with her!

    Gene B.
    Nov. 2015 to Mar. 2016
    He's a great client to work with and I will definitely work with him again if he hires me back..

    Angela Theresa V.
    8 years ago

    Jerry C.
    Jun. 2014 to Dec. 2015
    Great Campaign.. Jerry is awesome, he's a great boss.. hope to work with him again in the future..:)

    Angela Theresa V.
    9 years ago
    Angela is an excellent person to work with. Very attentive, determined, reliable and gets the job done. I would hire her again and highly recommend her to anyone who needs to get the job done efficiently.

    nsure2day g.
    Jul. 2014 to Jul. 2015
    Great boss..

    Angela Theresa V.
    9 years ago
    Very good to work with.

    Timothy M.
    Jun. 2015 to Jul. 2015
    9 years ago
    Great worker and diligent in her work. Would consider hiring again for new campaign.

    KING C.
    May. 2015 to May. 2015
    Client wants to lower down my hourly rate..

    Angela Theresa V.
    9 years ago

    nsure2day g.
    Jul. 2014 to May. 2015
    Great boss..

    Angela Theresa V.
    10 years ago

    Greg S.
    Jul. 2014 to Jul. 2014
    10 years ago
    Will hire for new campaign

    austin c.
    Mar. 2014 to Mar. 2014
    10 years ago
    ending campaign

    Will H.
    Mar. 2014 to Mar. 2014
    10 years ago
    Very attentive and hard worker. We will use her again in the future.

    Russell J.
    Feb. 2014 to Mar. 2014
    10 years ago

    Russell J.
    Feb. 2014 to Feb. 2014
    10 years ago
    Thank You For Your Hard Work..

    Michael B.
    Oct. 2013 to Feb. 2014