Mark John T.

Philippines | English
$5.40 / Hour
Hours Worked
Times Hired


I am adept at using various CRM software and possess a thorough understanding of customer service protocols and best practices. My ability to remain calm under pressure and dedication to resolving customer issues promptly and efficiently have been instrumental in my success. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to bring my experience and skills to your company. I am confident that my proactive approach and dedication to customer satisfaction will make a valuable contribution to your team.

Opportunities are everywhere yet rare. So, I am always eager to grab the chance in every way possible and take it as a new life lesson experience and share it with other people. I remind myself to always be brave, resilient and remain my feet on the ground in everyday living. Life is uncertain, so make the most out of it. Remind ourselves to always cherish and enjoy life and seize more opportunities while it's still there available for us.

Interested to work in

  • Hourly based jobs only.
  • Experience

    0 years on phone experience

    0 years of off-phone experience


  • Surveys
  • B 2 C Calling
  • B 2 B Calling
  • Upselling
  • Closing Sales
  • Feedback

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