More than 21 years of working in a Telemarketing industry made me a top contender. I deliver quality sales to every campaign I have worked with. I have been always in the top seller's list while maintaining my good quality scores.I am the type of seller who is consultative as I believe that customers should be heard in order for me to give best recommendations to their needs.I am a combination of Quality and Quantity, and that made me different from the rest. Above all, I value honesty.
For more than 21 years of doing telemarketing, I have tried calling for telecommunications, real states, insurance, IT services, training workshops etc and all those are with Sales. I was also promoted as sales and product trainer so learning in a faster pace is not new to me. My Selling Skill is really excellent as I am always on top of the seller's list to every campaign i have worked with. My 18 years of experience really helped me a lot to be on top.
21 years on phone experience
21 years of off-phone experience