Clint Alvin D.

Philippines | English
$4.30 / Hour
Hours Worked
Times Hired


I have very accurate, fast-keying skills and sound knowledge of computer applications. I have a proven ability to collect and manage information efficiently and accurately. I have excellent verbal and written communication skills and a strong desire to work hard and perform to meet your expectation.

I’m an innovative costumer service representative with 8 years of experience handling different accounts from outbound calls to inbound. I'm an experienced sales agent trained to do appointment for timeshare presentations/ also with home furniture - Direct Buy. I was also trained to assist guest for making travel decisions such as hotel accommodation and air and land arrangement.

Interested to work in

  • Hourly based jobs only.
  • Experience

    9 years on phone experience

    9 years of off-phone experience


  • Surveys
  • B 2 C Calling
  • B 2 B Calling
  • Upselling
  • Closing Sales
  • Managing Teams
  • Feedback

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